Nasdaq:US$18.56 (+0.55) | HKEX:HK$29.05 (+0.55) | AIM:£2.92 (+0.08)
Corporate Governance

Statement of compliance with the Hong Kong Corporate Governance Code


HUTCHMED (China) Limited ("Company")

The Company strives to attain and maintain high standards of corporate governance best suited to the needs and interests of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") as it believes that effective governance practices are fundamental to safeguarding stakeholder interests and enhancing shareholder value. Accordingly, the Company has adopted corporate governance principles that emphasise a quality board of Directors (the "Board"), effective internal controls, stringent disclosure practices, transparency and accountability. It is, in addition, committed to continuously improving these practices and inculcating an ethical corporate culture.

The Company has adopted and fully complies with the Hong Kong Corporate Governance Code (as set out in Appendix 14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the SEHK) (the “HK Code”). A full version of the HK Code is available from the SEHK website at:

The information in this statement was last reviewed on 14 June 2023.