Nasdaq:US$18.56 (+0.55) | HKEX:HK$29.05 (+0.55) | AIM:£2.92 (+0.08)
Information for Shareholders

The ordinary shares of the Company are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“HKEX”), the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange ("AIM") and in the form of American depositary shares (“ADSs”) on the Nasdaq Global Select Market (“Nasdaq”).  Each ADS represents ownership of five ordinary shares of the Company.  Additional information and specific enquiries concerning the ADSs should be directed to the ADS Depositary at the address given on this page.

Stock Codes

HKEX: 13
Nasdaq: HCM

Registered Office

P.O. Box 309, Ugland House
Grand Cayman, KY1-1104
Cayman Islands

Telephone: +1 345 949 8066
Facsimile: +1 345 949 8080

Principal Place of Business

48th Floor, Cheung Kong Center
2 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong

Telephone: +852 2128 1188
Facsimile: +852 2128 1778

Principal Executive Office

Level 18, The Metropolis Tower
10 Metropolis Drive
Hunghom, Kowloon
Hong Kong

Telephone: +852 2121 8200
Facsimile: +852 2121 8281

Principal Share Registrar

Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Limited
13 Castle Street, St. Helier
Jersey, Channel Islands JE1 1ES

Telephone: +44 (0)370 707 4040
Facsimile: +44 (0)370 873 5851

Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar

Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor
Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East
Wanchai, Hong Kong

Telephone: +852 2862 8628
Facsimile: +852 2865 0990

CREST Depositary

Computershare Investor Services PLC
The Pavilions
Bridgwater Road
Bristol BS99 6ZY
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0)370 702 0000
Facsimile: +44 (0)370 703 6114

ADS Depositary

Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas
60 Wall Street, New York
New York 10005

Telephone: +1 212 250 9100
Facsimile: +1 732 544 6346

Shareholders Contact

Please direct enquiries to:
48th Floor, Cheung Kong Center
2 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong

Attn: Ms. Edith Shih
Non-executive Director & Company Secretary
Facsimile: +852 2128 1778

Investor Relations Contact

Please direct enquiries to:

Telephone: +852 2121 8200
Facsimile: +852 2121 8281

Website Address