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演示文稿, 科学出版物 | 2020-04-27

AACR2020: 索凡替尼在中美患者中的药代动力学特征及安全性比较

标题: 索凡替尼在中美患者中的药代动力学特征及安全性比较
报告人: Arvind Dasari

A Dasari1, S Paulson2, E Hamilton3, J Wang4, M Sung5, G Falchook6, C Tucci7, K Li7, C Chien7, J Kauh7, M Kania7, D Li8.

MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA, Baylor Sammons Cancer Center, Dallas, TX, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA, Sarah Cannon Research Institute/Tennessee Oncology, Nashville, TN, USA, Florida Cancer Specialists/Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Sarasota, FL, USA,Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY, USA, Sarah Cannon Research Institute at HealthONE, Denver, Co, USA, Hutchison MediPharma International Inc., Florham Park, NJ, USA, City of Hope Cancer Center, Duarte, CA, USA.

报告环节: VPO.CT01
报告编号: CT115
链接地址: 查看摘要


John Kauh. Hutchison MediPharma International Inc, Florham Park, NJ



J. Kauh: ; Hutchison MediPharma International Inc.



Introduction: Recently reported results from the SANET-ep study (NCT02588170) demonstrated superior efficacy of surufatinib (S) in Chinese patients (pts) with advanced extra-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (epNET) when compared to placebo (median progression free survival 9.2 vs. 3.8 months). S is an inhibitor of tyrosine kinases VEGFR1, 2, and 3, FGFR1, and CSF-1R. Trials in the US are ongoing, however genetic differences leading to disparate metabolism of S in different pt populations are unknown. We report a comparison of PK and safety across populations treated with S.

Methods: A phase I/II study of S, (NCT02267967), conducted in Chinese pts, and a similar study, (NCT02549937), conducted in US pts are compared to evaluate potential effects of race to surufatinib exposure. Both trials enrolled pts at the recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D) of 300 mg QD in three tumor types including Biliary Tract Cancer, epNET, and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNET).

Results: PK sampling was obtained on days 1 and 14 in 81 Chinese pts, and on days 1, 8, 15, and 29, in 39 US pts. Out of 39 US pts there were 29 Caucasian, 2 Asian, and 8 were not reported. Following a single dose of S 300 mg on day 1, geometric mean (percent coefficient of variation of geometric mean, %CV) Cmax and AUCtau were 376 (70%) ng/mL and 2770 (56%) hr*ng/mL, respectively, in Chinese pts, compared to 354 (61%) ng/mL and 3050 (56%) hr*ng/mL, respectively, in US pts. Following S to steady-state on day 14/15, Cmax and AUCtau were 487 (65%) ng/mL and 4810 (58%) hr*ng/mL, respectively, in Chinese pts, compared to 471 (59%) ng/mL and 5130 (50%) hr*ng/mL, respectively, in US pts. PK exposures on days 15 and 29 were similar.
In 81 Chinese pts, 100% of pts experienced a treatment-related adverse event (TRAE), and 79.5% of 39 US pts reported a TRAE. The most common TRAEs reported were proteinuria (81% and 12.8%), diarrhea (72% and 23.1%), and hypertension (60% and 35.9%) in Chinese and US pts respectively. The most commonly reported ≥ Grade 3 TRAE’s were: hypertension (33% and 23.1%), proteinuria (12% and 2.6%) and diarrhea (6% and 7.7%), in Chinese and US pts, respectively. Serious adverse events were reported in 27% of Chinese pts and 23.7% of US pts. The safety profile in the two populations appear to be similar at the RP2D.
In addition to a similar toxicity profile, the relative dose intensity in both trials were comparable. In Chinese and US pts, respectively, the relative mean dose intensity was 90%, and 84%, and the median intensity was 97% and 96%.

Conclusions Given the similar PK and toxicity profiles of S between Chinese and US pts, it can be concluded that race has minimal effect on S exposure. Further evaluations of safety and efficacy are being conducted in ongoing global studies.