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公告及新聞稿, 監管通知 | 2015-11-09

Director’s Share Dealing

London: Monday, 9 November 2015: Hutchison China MediTech Limited (“Chi-Med”) (AIM: HCM) hereby makes the following amendments to the “Director’s Share Dealing” announcement released on 20 October 2015 subsequent to the notification received from Mr Christopher Nash on 5 November 2015.

The announcement has been corrected to reflect that following the dealings on 19 October 2015, the combined shareholding of Mr Nash and his spouse is 36,434, not the previously reported 36,442, due to the inadvertent sale of 8 shares by Mr Nash’s broker to cover dealing commission in the transaction below.

The full amended announcement is shown below:-

“London: Tuesday, 20 October 2015: Hutchison China MediTech Limited (“Chi-Med”) (AIM: HCM) received notification on 19 October 2015 that Mr Christopher Nash, Independent Non-executive Director, has:

  • purchased jointly with his spouse 4,512 ordinary shares of US$1.00 each in Chi-Med (the “Shares”) at a price of GBP21.95 per Share on 19 October 2015; and
  • transferred 5,626 Shares at GBP21.65 per Share from one of his investment funds to his another investment fund (jointly held with his spouse) on 19 October 2015; 8 shares were sold in the transaction to cover dealing commission, leaving 5,618 shares in the receiving fund.

Following the above transactions, the combined shareholding of Mr Nash and his spouse is 36,434 Shares, representing approximately 0.06% of the current issued share capital of Chi-Med.”






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About Chi-Med

Chi-Med is a China-based, globally-focused healthcare group which researches, develops, manufactures and sells pharmaceuticals and health-related consumer products.  Its Innovation Platform focuses on discovering and developing innovative therapeutics in oncology and autoimmune diseases for the global market.  Its Commercial Platform manufactures, markets and distributes prescription drugs and consumer health products in China.

Chi-Med is majority owned by the multinational conglomerate CK Hutchison Holdings Limited (SEHK: 0001).  For more information, please visit: